Last week’s poll:

It seems that most of you think the beginning of December is the time to start decorating for Christmas, closely followed by waiting until a week before Christmas to get those Christmas trees up!

How will you be celebrating new year’s eve? Let us know by voting in this edition’s poll!

Welcome to the Media team!

After the last edition, we are pleased to announce that we have 3 new additions to the Media Team!

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Article Writer

Thank-you to each of you for joining, you are going to make the Interscoop nothing but better!


My oh my, this holiday season has certainly been filled with many big promotions! Congratulations to the following members on their new elective positions:

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Founder’s Representative
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Founder’s Representative
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Secretary of Labour
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Secretary of Management
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Secretary of Leadership
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Director of Command
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Trial Elective
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Trial Elective

Been working super hard around base? Well, you might just find yourself on this list in the future if you haven’t already been mentioned previously!

What is worker of the week?
Worker of the week is Interpol’s way of recognizing our hardest workers. Not only do WoTW winners get a special badge that they get to keep forever, but they also get 10 tokens!

How do I get WoTW?
It’s simple really! The electives are always keeping an eye on everyone in base. If your hard work has been noticed, then you will be considered for worker of the week. Keep working hard and you might see your name on here next time! Hard work never goes unnoticed 😉

There has been a few workers of the weeks since the last Interscoop edition, so here is an update on our recent top workers!

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Habbo not found!

Congratulations and thank you to all of these hard workers! You all make Interpol a better place.

Christmas events at Interpol

Secret Santa Event
The Secret Santa event this year was a major success! The Events team hosted multiple events in most of the time-zones in order to ensure that all Interpolians had a chance to play along. Everyone had a great time and was happy with the prizes.

Advent Calendar Event
What’s Christmas without an advent calendar? Congratulations to all of those who earned pay badges from the 8th-24th December to be in the running for the daily rewards! If you would like to see everyone who won, please check out the Christmas Events channel on our Discord server.

Christmas Raffle
165 tickets were sold for the Christmas raffle. The lucky winner managed to win the grand prize by only buying 3 tickets!

Our winners were:

1st prize: 150 c worth of Ranks or 100 coins = morgan2k0

2nd prize: 80 c worth of Rank or 50 coins = turkeyiscool1

3rd prize: 50 c worth of Rank or 25 coins = fadzroy

Christmas Costume Contest

To round out the end of the Christmas events, we held a Christmas themed costume contest. Thank you to everyone who entered! You all had amazing costumes and it was tough to pick the finalists once we had narrowed it down to the top 10+Tom. You guys made the final decision on the top 3 by voting on discord and here are the results:
Your winner for the best Christmas costume of 2019 by a landslide is Santa Tom!
Coming in second: we have Luminosity
Third place goes to: Seanya
Thank you to everyone who voted!

Sticking to the theme of this Interscoop, we are going to have a Santa and Christmas themed quiz! Those who answer all questions correctly and send their answers to Mischa#4541 on Discord will be in the running to win 5c!

Question 1: What do people traditionally put on top of a Christmas tree?
Question 2: What words follow “Silent Night” in the song?
Question 3: How many gifts in total were given in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” song?
Question 4: Three of Santa’s reindeer’s names begin with the letter “D.” What are those names?
Question 5: What was the first company that used Santa Claus in advertising?

For this week’s interview, we decided to interview multiple people for the special holiday edition! Each interviewee answered the question:
“What is your favourite thing about the holiday season?”

“The best part about holiday is, i get to spend time with family, messing around with my siblings and of course, get to meet everyone here in Interpol,” – !Kenzie____

“urm…there so many thing my fav but I love spending time for my family. We eat together, watch movie, go vocation :D” – AnzyMs7

“too spend times with buddies and have fun on habbo!” – mattom742

“I love seeing all the Christmas decorations!” – Ella_K-poper

“the pwesents :33” – nalyd17_

” My favourite thing about the holidays is having family come from far and wide, years since seeing each other to spend the day together and be as if we haven’t missed a beat.” – turkeyiscool1