Certain individuals or groups may be placed on Kick / Ban on Sight in order to keep the peace throughout Interpol Rooms. This is used in very severe circumstances, and for known troublemakers. This includes uneducated people who are associated with “mafia / trolling” groups. We do not tolerate idiocy.

Repeat rule breakers will eventually be placed on Ban on Sight. Only Founders may place individuals on the Ban on Sight List, and only Founders may remove them from the list at their own discretion.

Members who are on this list will not be allowed to join, visit or enter Interpol’s base.


Individual Ban on Sight

1. LucyGxx29 / carefulwtyousay / rosielee20161

Former member of Interpol / Added on 18/07/2020

2. victorgabr_90

Former member of Interpol / Poaching, Spreading False Information, Trashing our YouTube. Added on 03/08/2020

3. jansen00- / jansen1234r / -Sharkboy- (and all other alts)

Former member of Interpol / Rude, disgusting, an absolute nonce, very creepy behaviour. Added on 10/09/2020

4. tulikacullen / YallHeauxMad

Former member of Interpol / Rude to member Added on 20/11/2020

5. ForgotMyDog

Rude, disgusting, an absolute nonce, very creepy behaviour / Added on 08/01/2020

6. Ali21. / Ali14.

Rude, Ignorant. / Added 01/03/2021

7. hungryalifp

Disorderly and Disruptive Behavior, creating Polarization and Wrongful Accusations / Added 18/08/2021

8. StarMendezzz

Harassing and borderline stalking quite a few of our members / Added 22/08/2021

9. Renzooooooo

Harassing women, including minors/ Added 11/11/2021

10. :.SecretElder.:

Harassing minors and being a creep / 13/11/2021

11. SpookySpider / COMAXIOM

Attempted Poaching. Added – 25/03/2022

12. samira..

Attempted Poaching. Added – 13/04/2022

13. Kearley

Disturbing / creepy behaviour, making members uncomfortable. Added on 22/04/2022

14. 666leah

Disrespectful, and Disgusting behaviour. Added on 25/04/2022

15. SarahSmithBAN

Disrespectful, Rude Behaviour. Added on 03/05/2022

16. unlaced_

Drama-evoking actions – Added on 25/06/2022

17. LittleDuckling

 Drama-evoking Actions – Added on 22/01/2023

18. Lucy_is_ded / .bean.

Drama-evoking actions – Added on 28/01/2023

19. Berat,

Drama-evoking actions & Toxic behaviour – Added on 07/02/23

20. queenclassy

Harassment – Added on 01/03/2023

21. AlphaReborn

Drama-evoking actions – Added on 14/04/2023

22. pepe-maker

Aug’s 18th personality + Troll – Added on 10/06/2023

23. AlisonWiltshire / EvelynAlberry / JosalinaGolden

Harassment & Toxic Behaviour – Added on 20/10/2023

24. rensesme

Abusive & Toxic Behaviour – Added on 26/10/2023

25. Mannyy

Harassment and Impersonation – Added on 21/11/2023

26. Pokemoners / David:

Trashing and Toxic Behaviour – Added on 01/02/2024


27. StinkyObama / HotArjunHot / Any Alts

Trolling – Added on 02/03/2024


28. Bruxelles / DeLeTeD_UsEr / Any Alts

Harassment and Trolling – Added on 05/03/2024


29. M_il_an / SIDD / Any Alts

Harrassing and sending explicit photos to minors – Added on 10/07/2024


30. =x=Nikki=x=

Poaching – Added on 20/08/2024


31. Johnny15Adam

Poaching – Added on 09/09/2024


32. nicegirls45

Double Jobbing – Added on 01/11/2024

33. Slayedrune

Confidential – Added on 29/11/2024

Agency / Group Ban on Sight

An Agency on the Banned Agency List will have either been known to cause trouble for our members, have poached (or attempted to), or be affiliated with known trolling groups. Only Founders may place Agencies on the banned list, and only Founders may remove them. All said Agency members will be banned on sight, and placed on the Transfer Ban list.

Under special circumstances, certain individuals who are members of a banned Agency will be able to visit Interpol.


 1. New Orleans Police Department (NOPD)

Founders and Chief of Staff / added 30.05.2020
Reason: Founders Affiliations with know Scammers/Rule Breakers.

2. National Defence Agency (NDA)

Updated 27/10/2020: All members.
Poaching, Trolling & disrespectful behaviour. / added July 2020
Reason and Evidence Document available here

3. Ibotta (IBA)

Added 13/03/2022: All members.
Reason: Poaching and plagerising our Code of Conduct, Training Scripts, etc.

4. Agents of Shield (AOS)

Added 27/01/2023: All members.
Reason: Hostile behaviour + plagerising our Code of Conduct, Training Scripts, etc. 


For further information regarding general rules and etiquette within Interpol, please view our Code of Conduct by clicking here 


Under extreme circumstances…….

Individual National Punishment

1. Hopps_1234

Habbo Defence Agency (HDA) – Added on 20/07/2019

2. Noxxulii

Ignorant, Offensive language, Mafia associated & Doxing. Added – 24/03/2022


3. xxxHENRYxxx (and all ALTs)

Constant Trolling, Sending Nude Photos to Multiple iC Members (some being underage), Harassment of iC Members on Different Platforms – Added on 05/07/2022

4. Nikke?!

Rude and disruptive behaviour – Added on 15/09/2022

5. lil!devil!/Tom.J/zotad (and all ALTs)

Sabotaging, stealing official INT accounts, banning members – Added on 15/09/2022

6. ::.Crystal.:: (and all ALTs)

Sabotaging, stealing official INT accounts, banning members – Added on 15/09/2022


7. Kemyst

Doxing & sharing explicit information without consent. – Added on 07/02/2023


8. SeaFury

Sharing explicit information without consent. – Added on 07/02/2023


9. Williamzz

Trashing Portal + Trolling – Added on 10/06/2023


10. =Geni=

Deleting important documents and sending inappropriate messages – Added on 10/06/2023 


11. CH4R

Agency hopping and unnecessary drama – Added on 21/08/2023

12. Mannyy
Harassment and Impersonation – Added on 21/11/2023


13. -John
Sexual Harassment – Added on 21/01/2024


14. xoAnya 

Defamation, Slander and Repeated false claims of Sexual Harassment – Added on 11/04/2024

15. talal388

Scamming INT members and SV, Slander towards INT Foundation- Added on 10/06/2024


16. M_il_an / SIDD / Any Alts

Harrassing and sending explicit photos to minors – Added on 10/07/2024


Treaty of Condemnation of Illegal Warfare. The participating organizations will not endorse or aid any third-party organizations that wish to involve themselves in Illegal Warfare. 

Reasons for being added to the CIW-T List:
This includes conducting, threatening or hinting at (but is not limited to) any form of hacking, “DDoSing”, “DOXing” and public release of personal information with malicious intent to harm or target a specific group on the agency floor.


CIW-T List

1. Billionnames/BrunoChrist

2. Mahigan/Kodaz

3. Verol/ThePoint

4. cfc.forever (+ alts)

4. Cupcakes…/NotKayla./Hateable

5. 68What/Airborne68W/DUSTOFF/GermanyBoi

6. Optimisation

7. Serpented/Drenched

8. Aestrol /Ezco /TheRealAestrol/Tripical

9. iWail/iWail-NL

10. Will_vt

11. .OnomanopiaValore (mafia)

12. Leiandros

13. God

14. Jedicon/Egotist/QuarantineHabbo/FruitJellies

15. barbersyeds

16. supbruvfam

17. ,Mooody

18. jackson8ryan/Tumon360

19. Ali21./Ali14.

20. Aelonis

21. AliasHog/Yaeloman

22. Crayans

23. Ganaram/Ganaham/G4n/Gana

24. Lucifist/Soprano

25. Macaw

26. Menacers

27. Metromental/Effectivity/Finchy

28. Rethrone/motolee28

29. Skotesh

30. SmurfPapas/Erebes

31. lmaojkitty/Verbal

32. Sohelpmealex

33. Jollity

34. Valentino,

35. Plalism

36. -,Shadow,

37. Kemyst

38. SeaFury

39. ::.Crystal.::

40. lil!devil!/Tom.J/zotad

41. M-? (.nl)

43. Armatus/T-16/Disco-Inferno

CIW-T List

1. Valore (mafia)

2. Genovese (mafia)