The code of conduct serves a purpose for all employees at Interpol to follow and enforce in order to provide safety for all of our employees and visitors. All sections that are covered in this code of conduct are as follows:

Station Priority
Uniform Policy
Promotion Policy
Transfer Policy
Personal Assistant Policy
Rewards & Bonus Policy
Veterans & Returns Policy
Disciplinary Procedures
Administration Policies
Leave of Absence Policy
Portal & Discord Policy
Vouch Policy

Plagiarism of any Interpol policies, documents etc, may result in being placed on Ban on Sight or National Punishment


  • Using effects is strictly prohibited in Interpol headquarters without Foundation approval.
  • Neon and themed chats are prohibited in Interpol headquarters.
    • Themed chats are allowed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday GMT+0/BST)
  • Dancing is prohibited inside Interpol’s headquarters.
    • Dancing is however allowed on weekends (Saturday and Sunday GMT+0/BST)
  • Double jobbing is strictly prohibited. This may lead to immediate dismissal if proven guilty.
  • Selling ranks without carrying the privilege or without permission is strictly prohibited.
    • Please make sure when purchasing a rank that the employee conducting the sale is an official Interpol rank seller and holds the [INT] Rank Seller badge owned by INTFoundation, or view our rank sellers by clicking here.
  • Do not poach in Interpol or any other agencies and/or militaries.
  • Do not misuse/abuse the trust/power entrusted to you or your rank.
  • Do not ask/hint for promotions, tokens, room rights, badge admin or any other privilege.
  • Your online time and profile must be visible at all times in order to gain promotions, tokens and other rewards. This is also a must for activity tracking.
  • Persistent unresponsiveness, idling and the use of software (e.g. auto clickers, anti-afk software/injectors) whilst at a station is strictly prohibited.
  • Excessive use of capital letters and spamming in Interpol’s headquarters is not allowed.
  • Bullying, harassment or any sort of discrimination inside any Interpol’s affiliated servers & rooms are strictly prohibited.


  • Providing stations are empty enough, front stations should always be the first to be filled. Other desks should only be filled if they require attention.
  • All Standard ranking employees gain immediate priority in the front stations due to limited eligibility to fill other stations such as Security, Training etc.
    • If stations are full and Standard ranking employees cannot fill the front station, any high-ranking employees must fill any empty seats in either Security, Training, Help Desk or Transfer Desk based on their access level to prioritise and make space for Standard ranking employees.
  • If all stations are full and any employees require a station in order to meet eligibility for promotions, token tracking or any other rewards and station priority has been met, they may be required to sit in the events area. Please remember that this is used as a last resort and should not be used as a station otherwise.


  • Report!
    • Stand in front of the reporting higher ranking employee, wave and say “Yes Sir/Ma’am”.
  • Dismissed
    • When called to dismiss, you may return to your station or what you were doing prior being called to report.
  • FTF (Fill the Front)
    • Sit in one of the front stations following the request.
  • FTB (Fill the Back)
    • Sit in the red sofas following the request. You may be called to do this in instances where the hallway requires to be cleared.
  • FTS (Fill the Security)
    • Sit in one of the security stations following the request.
  • FTT (Fill the Training)
    • Following this request, you must either wait or train new rookies.
  • FTTD (Fill the Transfer Desk)
    • Sit in one of the transfer stations following the request.
  • FTHD (Fill the Help Desk)
    • Sit in one of the help desk stations following the request


  • Promotions should only be issued to employees who are actively working at a station.
  • Do not promote employees to boost portal and activity statistics. Failure to adhere to these instructions may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Promotions should only be logged on the portal after the employee has successfully changed their motto and has been dismissed.
  • Promotions should not be issued outside of Interpol’s promotion limits. You can view your limit by viewing our ranks list.
  •  The employee being promoted requires the correct promotion tag of the employee promoting.
  • All employees ranked Trainer or above requires a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4 character tag and should be relevant to the employee’s username. This must be updated on our portal.
  • Both the promoter and the promotee must be actively working in a station for a minimum of 20 minutes before promotion.
    • If there is no one available to conduct the promotion from a station, an employee who is active in other areas such as FTB or hallway can carry out the promotion.
  • Do not promote an employee more than 3 consecutive times to avoid promotion hoarding.
  • Employees are forbidden to carry out their own promotions. This is considered as self-promotion and may be subjected to disciplinary action.


All employees who are ranked below the Rapid Response Unit (RRU) must wear Interpol’s designated uniform from Monday to Friday. Our uniform is provided via the mannequins near the front stations. Uniforms vary depending on their rank from Standard to Trainer divisions.

  •  We allow non-uniforms to be worn by all employees on weekends (Saturday and Sunday GMT+0/BST).
  • All uniform and non-uniform outfits must comply with our dress code listed in Section 2 – 2.2.


  • Shirtless outfits are prohibited.
  • Any outfit that is deemed revealing and/or resembles “shirtless” is prohibited.
  • Effects are prohibited.

The following image will assist you in determining which clothing item is considered as revealing or those that share a resemblance of being “shirtless”.

If any clothing item that could be considered revealing or shirtless is not found in the image, or if you are unsure about a specific clothing item, please contact an Elective+ member for assistance.


For an employee of another agency to be eligible to transfer to Interpol, they must meet the following requirements:

  • They must be a member of their agency for a minimum of three days.
  • The agency that are currently employed at must meet the following requirements:
    • Minimum of 150 or more members in their Standard/ID badge.
    • Minimum of 30 or more members in their Security badge.
  • Any transfers of allied agencies must comply with the alliance agreement signed by both parties before completion. You can check these by viewing our alliance page.
  • All transferees must be employed at an active agency alongside its rank badges.


  • LOA is an option for all members of Interpol to take when they require time away from Habbo.
    • You can apply for LOA in cases of emergencies, sickness, mental health, family, educational work or work-related reasons, and if you need a break from Habbo or Interpol work in general.


  • You must apply for an LOA 3 days or longer before your indended start date to ensure your LOA is approved before going inactive, otherwise it will be declined.
    • LOAs can be approved on the day of submission if provided with proper reasoning e.g. emergency
  • All LOAs must be submitted in the portal for them to be deemed valid.
  • Members requesting an LOA that lasts more than 31 days should seek approval from a member of Foundation Team with an appropriate reason.
  • Only members of the Foundation Team may approve Elective+ LOA submissions.
  • Members cannot claim pay or log hours during their leave.
  • If you do not return within 24 hours of your LOA ending, you may face a demotion.
  • Electives who apply for an LOA 7 days or closer to when their activity points are due, they must have sufficient points to avoid receiving a strike.
  • Electives who apply for an LOA 2 weeks or less must have half the required activity points before the month ends to avoid receiving a strike. 
  • Electives on LOA must not claim Elective hours, activity points, token tracking nor be active in any of the Affairs or Work Unit’s chats.


  • The following ranks are permitted to be inactive for specific periods without an LOA:
    • Security+ may be inactive for 31 days without an LOA.
    • Domestic Affairs+ may be inactive for 14 days without LOA.
    • Leadership+ may be inactive for 7 days without an LOA.

Personal assistants are available to all Presidential+ members to aid them with their Interpol duties and can also create duties for their selected Personal Assistant.


  • Each Presidential+ member can have one personal assistant.
  • Leadership – General Assembly can be a PA to Presidential+.
  • Leadership – Presidential can be a PA to members of the Executive Committee or above.
  • Presidential+ can be a PA for Foundation members.
  • Personal Assistants continue to rank up normally whilst being your PA.
  • Personal Assistants are required to fulfil their basic duties to gain promotions and pay.
  • Members must seek Foundation approval with the following information:
    • How would you benefit with a Personal Assistant?
    • Who would you like to select to be your Personal Assistant?
    • Why is the member you selected the best choice to be your Personal Assistant?

Note: All special privileges are earned and cannot be bought nor asked for.


  • General Assembly+ members receive Badge Admin. This rank comes with trust.
  • All actions such as removing inactive employees (excluding accepting users into badges) must be logged in the appropriate channels in our Discord server.
  • Only Foundation members have the right to reward employees with Badge Admin.
  • Misuse/abuse of privilege with result in the rights being revoked and potential disciplinary action.


  • Presidential+ are eligible receive Room Rights (without admin) upon invitation by the Foundation Team. This rank comes with trust.
  • Executives+ can be eligible to receive admin on the Room Rights badge if voted by the Foundation.
  • As a Room Rights holder, your main objective is to protect Interpol’s community from trolls and other possible threats by kicking/muting/banning.
  • All users must have a warning before applying any sort of moderation to them, especially if it’s a minor rule being broken.
  • Certain items are banned from being placed within the HQ, and they are as follows:
    • Cannons (all types)
    • Football gates
    • Banzai furniture
    • Funiture that applies avatar/clothing effects
    • FX Furniture is permitted with reasonable use. Spamming FX furniture is not allowed.
  • Room Rights Holders must not make any modifications to wired furniture without Foundation approval.
  • Before placing furniture that flashes, RR holders must make sure that there are no users in the room that suffer from epilepsy, photophobia or any similar conditions that result in sensitivity to flashing lights.
    • If there are any plans to place any furniture of the sort, an announcement must be made to inform our members and our visitors to safeguard them from potential damage.
  • The foundation only has the right to reward employees with Room Rights.
  • Misuse/abuse of privilege will result in the rights being revoked and potential disciplinary action.


  • All website additions and/or edits must be logged in the appropriate channels in Interpol’s Discord server.
  • All additions or edits must not change or alter the current theme of the website.
  • Misuse/abuse of privilege will result in the rights being revoked and potential disciplinary action.
  • You must be a member of the Web Management Team (Admin Team) in order to carry out these actions on Interpol’s website.


  • The main objective of Chat Moderators is to give people appropriate roles and to moderate Discord in order to protect and provide safety for our users.
  • General Assembly+ members receive Chat Moderator in the official Interpol Discord Server. This rank comes with trust.
  • Misuse/abuse of privilege will result in the rights being revoked and potential disciplinary action.


  • Members ranked Security+ are required to have a portal account.
  • All trainings, promotions and transfers must be logged accurately on the portal.
  • If a member is unable to or unwilling to register to the portal, they will not be able to be promoted further.
    • Another employee of Interpol CANNOT make an account for them nor access another employee’s portal account for any reason. This is classed as a breach of security and will result in disciplinary action.
  • If you are having issues with the portal, please seek assistance from an Elective+ member in base or on our Discord Server.
  • Misuse/abuse of privilege will result in the rights being revoked and potential disciplinary action.


  •  All Interpol members ranked Security+, VIPS, Special Visitors and Donors can access Interpol’s official Discord server.
  • Every channel in Interpol’s official Discord Server serves a different purpose.
  • All information on requests can be found in the pinned message(s) in the #requests channel.
  • Do not spam the chat(s) made for announcements and requests.
  • Make sure your username is in your server nickname in the official Interpol Discord server.
  • To join the Discord Server, contact an Elective member.
  • Leaking any of Interpol’s Discord Server chats is considered as a dismissible offence if proven guilty.
  • Do not target, bully or harass anyone in our Discord server channels and/or voice chats. If caught, removal from server and disciplinary action may be taken.
  • It is strictly prohibited to advertise any social media (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch) or external links in any INT related servers.

Any employee who breaches Interpol’s code of conduct may be subjected to disciplinary action using the guidelines listed under Section 8 Disciplinary Procedures. Each rank division may hold different striking capabilities. Further information as to which division can perform strikes can be found in Section 8 – 8.2


  1. Warning (verbal or written)
    • Employees who breach the code of conduct will result in receiving the first step of the strike system, a warning to prevent escalation.
      • Based on the situation, either a verbal warning (not logged) or a written warning (logged) will be issued.
  2. Strike 1
    • Employees who continue to breach the code of conduct for similar offences after a warning has been issued will receive a Strike 1.
  3. Strike 2
    • Employees who have disregarded previous strikes and/or warnings will receive a Strike 2 which will result in a demotion (level of demotion may vary depending on the situation’s severity)
  4. Strike 3
    • Employees who have further disregarded previous strikes and/or warnings will receive a Strike 3, which will ultimately result in dismissal from Interpol.
    • Based on the severity of the situation, the employee who has received a Strike 3 may be eligible to re-join Interpol as a Rookie after 5 days of the infraction.


  • Any employee that is ranked Criminal Investigation or above can issue up to a Strike 1 for any employee that is two divisions lower.
  • Any employee that is ranked Domestic Affairs or above can issue up to a Strike 2 for any employee that is two divisions or lower.
  • Any employee that is ranked Leadership or above can issue up to a Strike 2 for any employee that is ranked two divisions or lower, as well as issuing a Strike 3 for any employee that is ranked five divisions or lower.
  • Any disciplinary action such as a warning and/or strike against an Elective member must be approved by a member of Interpol’s Foundation Team.
  • Internal Affairs handles all in-base disputes to which the team may issue up to a Strike 3 for any employee that are below their current rank.


Veteran is the status offered to retired Electives who contributed continuous effort throughout their time at Interpol.

  • Only Foundation members may offer this status.
  • The employee must have made a substantial contribution to Interpol over an acceptable period.
  • The employee must have or had a good working attitude and did not go inactive for a significant amount of time.
  • Veterans are unable to claim pay or accept pay token requests.
  • Veterans may return to their previous rank if they have not joined another agency.
  • Veterans who joined another agency will have to follow the Transfer policy.
  • The status can be revoked if the Veteran does not abde by the Code of Conduct.


Icon is the status given to any employee who has worked at Interpol for a minimum of 6 months or longer.

  • Icons are unable to claim pay or accept token requests.
  • Icons will lose their status if they join/transfer to another agency.
  • Icons will have to go through the Returns policy if they wish to return.
  • The status can be revoked if the icon does not abide by the Code of Conduct.


  • The Electives team nominates one Standard+ and one Senior Management+ member who has shown outstanding dedication and activity within Interpol.
  • All in-base activity, portal statistics and pay tokens earned will be taken into consideration for this reward.
  • For employees who achieve WOTM, they will receive 10 tokens.


  • This reward is given to the one member with the most completed promotions in one month.
  • For employees who receive POTM, will receive 10 tokens.


  • This reward is given to the one member with the most completed training in one month.
  • For employees who receive TOTM, they will receive 10 tokens.