Transfer Training may ONLY be completed by Leadership+ members.

Please read through this short guide before you train.

Ensure your trainee has enough time to train before you promote them.

REMEMBER: You should not log this user’s promotion as a promotion.

This member’s promotion MUST be logged via the ‘Training’ tab.

If you have logged their promotion before training, log their training as ‘Other’

Do not give them their badge or motto before they have passed training.

Please carry out Transfer training in an available tent on the right in the Training Hallway.

ONLY copy and paste the BLACK text!


Hello and welcome to this session! My name is [Your Preferred Name].

Today I will be teaching you how to FTTD – Fill the Transfer Desk.

If you need a moment to grab a pen and some paper for notes, please do.

Before we begin, are you using mobile or PC?

*Wait for response*

*If they are on PC, introduce them to the handbook and cut to the quiz*

Would you like to use our handbook?

Kindly go to our website – inthabbo|net

Under Education > Transfer Team > Transfer Handbook

Let me know when you are ready to continue.

*Wait for response*

*If they are on mobile, continue as is*

Do you have any questions before we begin?

*Wait for response*

Before we start, I would like to introduce you to your new task as a voucher.

This is an important task, as the member will depend on you to get their tokens accepted.

You can read the details of your task under “Resources” and “Pay Policy” on inthabbo,net.

However there are a few things that I would like to remind you.

1. You must be online for at least 20 minutes before you can vouch for someone.

2. Remember to react to every post that you are tagged too before logging off.

3. Do not accept or react to posts that tagged you when you are offline or without asking you first. 

4. Make sure the post you’ve reacted to is NOT EDITED, otherwise PTA’s won’t approve it.

Do you have any questions about this?

*Wait for response*

Let’s talk about some discord ground rules!

1. Always follow the Transfer Guidelines unless advised otherwise by a GA+ or a TU Management member.

You can find the Guidelines on inthabbo|net under Education > Transfer Team > All-In-One Transfer Manual.

2. If an agency isn’t on the guideline, you will need to request that a TU member make one. 

Let the transferee know that they need to return later in order to transfer and contact a TU member.

3. Your transfer limit is 2 DIVISIONS below your current rank. E.g. DC may transfer to DA.

If the Habbo you are transferring exceeds your limits, ask a HR in HQ or using #transfer-unit-chat.

4. Offer the first rank of a division unless its a 1st return or a 2nd/3rd return within 2 weeks.

The guideline may also state otherwise.

5. They must be at least ONE DIVISION above their ID badge. Standard ranks can’t transfer.

6. To receive a full offer, they must have been a member of their agency for at least THREE DAYS.

7. Only FTTD when all other stations are filled or a Habbo is looking to transfer.

Please take a moment to note this information down and let me know when you’re ready to move on.

*Wait for response*

I’d now like to go over a few important details to note about your Transferees.

1. Their current username, agency and division.

You will need to search their username/s on Portal to see if they have worked here before.

If they have worked here before, they will need to RETURN.

2. The date they joined their agency. You can check this by searching their name on their ID badge.

If they joined their agency WITHIN 3 DAYS, they will be offered a LOWER rank by ONE DIVISION.

3. If they have been offered a rank before.

If they have an existing offer, you will need to give them the rank stated in transfer-unit-logs.

You can note this all down on paper, on a doc or in #transfer-unit-logs under “Departments” on Disc.

Please use the formats pinned in the #transfer-unit-chat to post your offer.

Failure to do so could result in a warning.

Please take a second to note this down and let me know when you’re ready to continue.

*Wait for response*

Using this information, follow the handbooks and the guideline to offer them the correct rank.

When RETURNING a member, there is also some information you have to gather.

Ask them if they are from Old Interpol, or if this is their 1st/2nd/3rd/4th return.

For members from Old INT, you will need to ask for proof of them having the rank they had.

This includes badge acceptance emails, screenshots of old badges or a vouch from another DC+ member.

ANY members who are returning for FIRST time are given the same rank they had.

Members who return for the SECOND or THIRD time WITHIN 14 days get the same rank.

If a member returns for the SECOND or THIRD time AFTER 14 days, they get a ONE DIVISION demotion.

Any FOURTH return gets a THREE DIVISION demotion and is put on the transfer-ban-list.

You can ask a TU Management member or any Elective to add the returnee’s username to the list.

You will need to log their transfer in order for them to make their portal account.

You MUST log an infraction against their username in order to note that they have returned.

To do this, add an “Infraction”, select “Warning” and note their 1st/2nd/3rd/4th return and the date.

Using this information, follow the handbooks and the guideline to offer them the correct rank.

These handbooks are available on inthabbo|net under Education > Transfer Team > All-in-one Transfer Manual.

Do you have any questions about returning a member?

*Wait for response*

Do you have any questions before the test?

*Wait for response*

Remember that you can “skip” any question you don’t know the answer!


Please only choose FIVE questions and TWO simulations from the list below.

If there is more than one Trainee, ask them to whisper their answers.

What should you do if an agency hasn’t been added to the Guideline?

ANSWER: Contact a TU Management member and ask the Transferee to return in 3 days.

What do you need to do when a Habbo has returned for the FOURTH time?

ANSWER: Offer them a THREE DIVISION demotion, and ask a TU to place them on #transfer-ban-list.

What rank should you offer a Habbo who is looking to return for the FIRST time?

ANSWER: FIRST returns may return with the rank that they had when they left.

What information do you need to ask a Habbo for when they are looking to transfer?

ANSWER: If they worked for Interpol before, when they joined their current agency and if they have an offer.

What details do you need to note for your transfer-unit-log?

ANSWER: Their username, agency, division, they date they joined their agency and if they’re returning.

What should you offer a Habbo who has already received an offer in transfer-unit-logs?

ANSWER: The most recent offer that has been stated in the logs.

Great job answering those questions! Now we can move on to the simulations.

Please choose ONE non-Portal check simulation and ONE Portal check simulation.

Double check the Guideline to ensure your Trainee has given you the correct answer.

2/2 simulations MUST be correct in order for the Trainee to pass.

I’m going to give you all of the details you need to give a Habbo an offer.

Please use the “Transfer Guideline” to find the correct rank.


TRANSFER EXAMPLE: Remember to have the answer ready!

Erytheis is a [Division] from [Agency].

She has worked there for 3+ days and she hasn’t worked at Interpol before. What should you offer?


FIRST RETURN EXAMPLE: Remember to have the answer ready!

Rosaryn worked for Interpol in 2016. She is NOT on Portal, but tells you she was FA – Consul.

A member of TU has confirmed that she worked here in 2016. She tells you it’s her FIRST return.


SECOND RETURN EXAMPLE: Remember to have the answer ready!

alvin601 would like to return. His motto is [INT] Leading Trainer [elity]

Using Portal, please check his profile to see if he has been returned before. What should you offer?


THIRD RETURN EXAMPLE: Remember to have the answer ready!

React! would like to return. Her motto is [INT] Development Councillor [slug]

Using Portal, please check her profile to see if she has been returned before.

Using this information, answer the following questions:

(a) What rank should you offer?

*Wait for response*

(b) What should you do after returning them?

*If Training Candidate gets 3/5, 4/5 or 5/5 Correct*

You’ve passed the test! Congratulations!

If you haven’t already requested the Democratic Council badge, please do so now!

Along with this, please change your motto to [INT] Council Secretary [Your TAG]

Please remember to ALWAYS complete the following steps when you transfer:

1. Log the transfer on Portal before telling them to create a Portal account. 

If they sign up before you’ve logged their Transfer, they won’t be able to register.

2. Ask them to set up their promotion [TAG]. You can use the Trainer Training script for guidance.

3. If you won’t be active for 15+ days, please log a LOA via the “Leaves” tab on Portal.

If you don’t log a LOA and are inactive, your badges will be removed.

Are these statements clear to you?

*Wait for response*

On behalf of Interpol, I would like to welcome you to the team!

If you have any questions, remember to refer back to the handbook and FAQ’s.

If you need additional help, ask a TU member or another HR.

I’m going to log the training now! Please head BTB.


Now, as a trainer yourself, you’d need to log it.

Please remember that you should NOT log the promotion in the ‘Promotions’ section. This will prevent you from being able to log the training.

Step 1: Go to the portal or and click “Training” shown on your left panel.

Step 2: Click “Add Training”.

Step 3: Fill in the username of the trainee who has just passed the test and select “Pass” or “Fail” in status.

Step 4: Make sure you select “Transfer Training” under “Training Type”.

Step 5: Make a note of their score and which questions were answered incorrectly.

E.g. 5/6! Reminded that 2nd returns within 14 days can return with their previous rank.

Step 6: Save the training and you’re done! Make sure you ask a Badge Admin to have the badge accepted by posting on “Requests” on Portal or Discord.