Elective Advisors are loyal and dedicated Electives at Interpol that have helped our agency immensely in progressing and becoming what it is today!
This rank can only be granted to a member which is ranked General Assembly or above, Stay as General assembly more than 5 month and will have to be approved by a Founder.
It’s an inactive Elective position which is intended for those that are no longer able to commit to an active Elective rank. An Elective Advisor can return to active duty at any time and will be given a trial before being assigned to their previous rank or a rank comparable to it if their old one is full!
(For further information, please contact one of the Founders.)
- Disc Role
- Cannot be a Rank Seller
- No task or LOA requirements
- Can claim pay
- Can fill stations and train members
- Portal privileges – can assist with token checking
- Discord access to Elective and Director channels
- Cannot have Mentees
- Can have a Management position, e.g. in Special Units or Affairs Teams (As Advisor)
- Can vote in Elective discussions (when called upon by Foundation)


