Unity Amidst Diversity
Article made by ThatsNotElla
Last June 11th, Interpol together with HIA, SWAT, GI, MoM, SS, FBI, FS, WH, NOPD, and TPS gave importance on the LGBTQ+ equality by wearing the colors of the rainbow throughout the day. This June, Interpol hosted three different events that depicts equality and camaraderie – with the LGBTQ+ movement being the first on the list. 2020 has been rough for everyone with the pandemic that has been happening worldwide, thus cancelling different events that everyone has been waiting for. The famous “Pride Parade” during this pandemic will now look and feel different, and it might have been cancelled, but in the era of the coronavirus, people now took it online. Interpol used their online platforms, Habbo and our Twitter account, to raise awareness, give importance to the members and allies of the LGBTQ+, and keep the spirit of equality and unity within us. At the end of the day, Interpol was able to instill in our minds and hearts that no matter which platform we are using, we can still celebrate equality in our own little ways; proving to us that there is really unity amidst diversity.
Black Lives Matter and Interpol’s Stand for Equality
People have been fighting for a fair life in their own skin for 7+ decades; Why is this still a problem?
The phrase “Black Lives Matter” was created in a hashtag (#BlackLivesMatter) in 2013 after a 17-year-old African-American boy named Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by fellow citizen George Zimmerman on February 26th, 2012 in Sandford, Florida. Martin, unarmed, was on his way home from a convenience store when Zimmerman called a non-emergency line for their local police department to report “suspicious activity” he had observed from Martin. Although instructed not to follow Martin, Zimmerman ignored the suggestion and ended up opening fire after a violent confrontation to Martin. It took months for George Zimmerman to be charged with anything for this unmeditated crime. This sparked an uproar on social media and #BlackLivesMatter was born. From this, Black Lives Matter Foundation Inc. was founded and remains to be a movement for a fight for equality.
Why is this important?
After the recent unfolding of George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis this past April, there have been Black Live Matter protests and riots globally. All across America, Europe, and even Asian countries, people have been showing their support for the movement by protesting for the cause and spreading hashtags all across social media.
Although blowing up again in more recent years, the Black Lives Matter movement has been prevalent in America since the 1950’s. Beginning as the Civil Rights Movement in the mid 1950’s with Rosa Park’s infamous act against a white man on a bus. This act is taught in schools all across America, as well as internationally. It was truly a cultural reset and began pushing for the rights of those who had been lacking in equality for so long. That same year, (1955), hundreds upon thousands of African-American men gathered on the Mall in Washington, DC; This would be dubbed as “The Million Man March”. So why are we still fighting just as these African-American individuals did back then?
This movement has been moving people emotionally and has been encouraging those who have been silent to speak up for their fellow brothers’ and sisters’ safety. People are beginning to fight again for such a basic human requirement. Even our own Interpol has begun to show support for black lives and their fight for equality.
How Interpol has Stepped Up
On June 6th, 2020, Habbo user ::.Crystal.:: posted to the Announcements tab in the Interpol Discord server that Interpol would be hosting a 3 day event to support fellow Interpol members from June 11th to June 13th. This 3 day event would consist of a LGBTQ+ Equality Day, a Religion/Culture Appreciation Day, and a Race Equality day. On said Race Equality day, Habbo users were asked to dress in all black (or grey, for non-HC) to show support for the Black Lives Matter movement. On top of this, the main HQ was closed for 1 hour for Interpol members and Habbo citizens alike to join the Black Lives Matter protest in the Lobby.

This act of kindness and empathy proved to be a big step in showing our support for the movement and our acknowledgement of the protests going on globally. With dozens attending the protest, it allowed Habbo users to show support in a different way. This is important especially for those who are unable to attend real protests; to allow them to share their compassion and concern for the black community. It also sets an example to other Habboagencies and even the youth that attended that day. By educating those around us, we will have a stronger fight and a longer lasting impact.
Even if my skin is a different color, I will continue to stand by your side and fight with you.
Please stay safe. – MyxnSoo

J: Please introduce yourself
F: My username is Foyev, which is similar to my real name. I have been working here for almost a month and i enjoyed every day i worked.
J: What is your favourite thing about Interpol?
F: I love training, especially rookies because I get to teach them everything I think i needed to know when I was still a rookie.
J: Do you have a favorite memory at Interpol?
F: Since I’ve been here almost a month, I don’t have many to choose from. SO i think my favorite memory is when Martin gave me a HC Box, Hes so kind and i appreciate him for that.
J: Is there something you’d like to see changed at Interpol?
F: I can’t think of any because I’ve inquired about their agencies and Interpol stood out amongst them.
J: What is your vision for your future at Interpol?
F: I see myself as an iC in the future. As an iC, I see myself contributing to lots of things. I think my ideas would be a great help.
J: When did you join Interpol and what made you want to join?
F: I joined Interpol the day I created my account, May 28th 2020. I wanted to join that day, I got tired of playing games. I said to Myself I wanted something Long-Term.
J: Do you have any shout-outs to make?
F: I would like to thank Charming Queen, Wendy, Ella and Jana for being the first people i made friends with!
J: What is your favourite room in Interpol?
F: Training rooms, because I love training and my laptop doesn’t lag.
Jamie:you should see your interview in the next interscoop! Stay tuned 🙂