Interscoop – Valentine’s Edition

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Valentine’s Day Fun Facts

In light of it being the season of love, we at the Media Team have decided to share some cute little fun facts with you about this specific day!

“Table for Two” by Scottiee__
  1. In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned onto their sleeves for one week for everyone to see. This was the origin of the expression “to wear your heart on your sleeve.”
  2. On Valentine’s Day, American consumers collectively spend over $681 million on their pets.
  3. Worldwide, over 50 million roses are given for Valentine’s Day each year.
  4. Some believe that Valentine’s Day commemorates the death of St. Valentine on February 14, others believe that the holiday actually has its origins in a Pagan fertility festival called “Lupercalia”.

Written by Daggary

Administration Team News

In February, there were a couple of Elective promotions. So we’d like to thank them for their outstanding work as always and are looking forward to see the great things they’ll continue to do for Interpol. Therefore, big congratulations to:

  • Chana56201 – Executive
  • JackDaniels? – Director of Standards
  • Mizuiro. – Director of Command

It is also with a heavy heart that we have to say farewell to our lovely Founder, .Luminosity. Of course, we hope to still see her around occasionally. However, after taking on the position as Founder on July 29th, 2020 – she definitely hasn’t disappointed!!

Thank you so much for all you did for Interpol, Liza! Your hard work and dedication is something to admire, and we wish you the very best of luck always ❤️

Written by Daggary

Find .Luminosity

If you manage to find .Luminosity’s little head, take a screenshot and send it to either Scottiee__, Mizuiro. or Daggary. If you get it right, you’ll receive 5c!

“Find Lumi” by Scottiee__

Interview with Cam

Scottiee__: Firstly, could you please introduce yourself and tell us what it is that you do at Interpol?

camalex: Alrighty! My username is camalex, but everyone calls me Cam! I am currently a part of the Leadership Division at Interpol, and I have been here for a little over a year! I work with the Media Team, and I was a Representative for the Union Project prior to my current LOA.

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Scottiee__: Awesome and since joining Interpol, was it your goal to reach the position that you’re in right now? Do you have any advice for our readers who might want to follow in the same direction?

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camalex: My goal when joining Interpol was to reach the highest position I could, which I think is the same for most. So while yes, being able to enter the Help Desk was a major appeal, it was not, and is not, my ideal finish line. My advice to any ambitious readers looking to advance in our agency is to be intentional with your time. Make your goals known, not only with your words, but by your actions and how you present yourself in base.

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Scottiee__: I absolutely love the motivational message behind what you’re saying and I’m sure it will inspire our readers! How do you like to spend your time whilst being active in base? Would you say that it’s important to socialise as well as completing tasks or FTF, etc?

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camalex: I spend most of my time on Habbo socializing, if not all. I have made so many life long friends through Interpol and their friendships have kept me coming back to base, even with the new Unity. I think it is definitely important to socialize while in base, but it is important to find a balance. Completing tasks and socializing are both essential to excelling at Interpol.

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Scottiee__: Do you have any favourite memories or stand out moments throughout your time of being at Interpol?

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camalex: Probably one of my favorite memories from my time at Interpol happened when we had our first Harry Potter events. Everyone was sharing what houses they were with one another and forming alliances, it was a very light-hearted and fun time. The events created some healthy competition between members and cultivated some faux school spirit between the houses. I personally feel like it really brought everyone closer.

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Scottiee__: Well I must say that I’ve enjoyed getting to know you more and your experiences within Interpol! I have so many other questions, however I think we could arrange them for another day. Before we end this interview, I would like to say thank you for your time and lastly do you have anything else to say or any shoutouts?

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camalex: Nope! That’s all, thank you for taking the time to interview me!!!!!

Interview by Scottiee__

“You Keep Me Afloat” by Scottiee__
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