Promotion limits indicate the maximum division which you can promote up to.
Strike/demotion limits indicate up to what unit a person in a certain division can strike or demote.
All strikes require approval from a member of Democratic Council+
All demotions must have approval from a member of Leadership+
Board of Director and above reserve the right to revoke strikes/demotions given with a good reason.
Firing limits indicate up to what unit a person in a certain division can fire.
Only Leadership members and above reserve the right to fire others*.
All firing must have approval from a member of Trial Elective+*.
Board of Director and above reserve the right of immediate firing**.
*Executive Committee members and above reserve the right to revoke firings given with a good reason.
**Immediate firing allows them to fire a member without the need to follow the strike system in the case of gross misconduct (trolling, scamming, trashing etc.)
**Foundation reserves the right to revoke immediate firing given with good reason

Promotion Allowance : Not allowed to promote at this level.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to strike/demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Not allowed to promote at this level.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to strike/demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of the Standard Division.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to strike/demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of the Security Division.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to strike/demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of the Training Division.
Strikes Allowance : Strike up to the end of the Training Division.
Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of the Rapid Response Unit.
Strikes Allowance : Strike up to the end of the Rapid Response Unit.
Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of the Criminal Investigation Unit.
Strikes Allowance : Strike up to the end of the Criminal Investigation Unit.
Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of High Management.
Strikes Allowance : Strike up to the end of the High Management.
Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of Top Management.
Strikes Allowance : Strike up to the end of the Top Management.
Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of Senior Management.
Strikes Allowance : Strike up to the end of Senior Management.
Demotion Allowance : Not allowed to demote at this level.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of the Intelligence Unit.
Strikes / Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of the Intelligence Unit.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of the Communications Unit.
Strikes / Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of the Communications Unit.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of Domestic Affairs.
Strikes / Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of Domestic Affairs.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promotion up to the end of Foreign Affairs.
Strikes / Demotion Allowance: Strike / demote up to the end of Foreign Affairs.
Firing Allowance : Not allowed to fire at this level.

Promotion Allowance : Promote up to the end of Democratic Council.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of Democratic Council.
Firing Allowance : Firing up to the end of Communications Unit.

Promotion Allowance : Promote up to the end of Elite Unit.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of Elite Unit.
Firing Allowance : Firing up to the end of Domestic Affairs.

Promotion Allowance : Promote up to the end of Leadership.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of Leadership.
Firing Allowance : Firing up to the end of Foreign Affairs.

Promotion Allowance : Promote up to the end of OOA.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of OOA.
Firing Allowance : Firing up to the end of Elite Unit.
Admin Allowance : Approve Non-iC LOA

Promotion Allowance : Promote up to the end of OOA.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of OOA.
Firing Allowance : Firing up to the end of Leadership.
Admin Allowance: Badge Admin up to Comms. Unit, Assign Discord Roles, Eligible for Founders Proxy.

Promotion Allowance : Promote up to the end of OOA.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of OOA.
Firing Allowance : Firing up to the end of OOA.
Admin Allowance: Admin Allowance: Room Rights (Inv Only), Web Admin (Inv Only), Badge Admin up to DC, Portal Check.

Promotion Allowance : Promote up to the end of OOA.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Strike / demote up to the end of Trial Elective.
Firing Allowance : Firing up to the end of OOA.
Admin Allowance: Room Rights, BA up to OOA,Token Approval, Eligible for Personal Assistant, Overseer of unit.

Promotion Allowance : Any Rank (except Founders Committee).
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Any Rank (except Founders Committee).
Firing Allowance : Any Rank (except Electives Rank).
Admin Allowance : All Admin (except Electives Rank).

Promotion Allowance : Any Rank (except Founders Committee).
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Any Rank (except Founders Committee).
Firing Allowance : Any Rank (except Electives Rank).
Admin Allowance : All Admin (except Electives Rank).

Promotion Allowance : Any Rank.
Strikes/Demotion Allowance : Any Rank.
Firing Allowance : Any Rank.
Admin Allowance : All Admin.