Trading pass is a necessary tool to begin your adventures on Habbo Hotel. Achieving Trading Pass will allow you to unlock capabilities to trade items or credits between another Habbo user. The reason this is necessary is because you’ll not be able to receive any sort of event rewards, token claims and more. We’ve created a guide that will assist you step by step in gaining the know-how on how to obtain the Trading Pass. This guide will outline how to obtain this in both the Unity and Classic clients.
Note: We recommend to you that you complete each step via pc or laptop. The reason being is that there is no way to track your progress through mobile. If you don’t have access to a pc or laptop, I’d recommend taking notes as to which you have completed, and those you have yet to complete.

Step One: Understanding the achievements you will need to complete
In order to see what you have to complete, as well as checking your progress, you will need to navigate to the Achievements tab on your Habbo, then click Trading Pass.



Step Two: Upon clicking Achievements, you’ll then need to click Trading Pass #/7. Following this, you’ll see a total of 7 different achievements you’ll need to complete. Here is an outline as to what you need to complete in each achievement.

TUTORIAL [1/7]: Complete the following six steps
1. Change your outfit for the first time
2. Move around in a room
3. Check your own profile
4. Talk in a room
5. View room settings (This can be done in your own room)
6. Move, rotate or pick up furniture in a room (This can be done in your own room)
NOOB CURIOSITY [2/7]: Spend a total of 120 minutes (2 hours) on Habbo
REVISIT [3/7]: You will receive this achievement once you have reached 3 or more days since your registration date.
FRIENDLY ONE [4/7]: Give 2 Gems to a Habbo. This is not possible on mobile.
Classic: Click their avatar, click “Give a Gem”. 
Unity: Click their avatar, click their username, click “Give a Gem”
ROOM RAIDER JUNIOR [5/7]: Explore Habbo by visiting 20 rooms that is not yours. You will be rewarded this achievement upon completion.
LEVEL JUMPING [6/7]: Reach avatar Level 6.
To see how you can level up, please click here to view some examples that may be of use to you.
NICE TO MEET [7/7]: Add 2 or more Habbo’s to be your friend. You will be rewarded this achievement upon completion.